Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I Simposio de Biodiversidad Marina y Costera de Latinoamerica y El Caribe

                          Del 9 al 12 de diciembre del 2010
                                             Manta – EcuadorManta – Ecuador

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Monday, August 23, 2010

More Publications

The ISME Journal advance online publication 15 July 2010; doi: 10.1038/ismej.2010.106

Big sulfur bacteria

Bo Barker Jørgensen1
1Department of Biological Sciences, Center for Geomicrobiology, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark
Correspondence: BB Jørgensen, E-mail: bo.barker@biology.au.dk

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The ISME Journal , (5 August 2010) doi:10.1038/ismej.2010.121

Identity of epibiotic bacteria on symbiontid euglenozoans in O2-depleted marine sediments: evidence for symbiont and host co-evolution

V P Edgcomb, S A Breglia, N Yubuki, D Beaudoin, D J Patterson, B S Leander and J M Bernhard

A distinct subgroup of euglenozoans, referred to as the ‘Symbiontida,’ has been described from oxygen-depleted and sulfidic marine environments. By definition, all members of this group carry epibionts that are intimately associated with underlying mitochondrion-derived organelles beneath the surface of the hosts. We have used molecular phylogenetic and ultrastructural evidence to identify the rod-shaped epibionts of the two members of this group, Calkinsia aureus and B.bacati, hand-picked from the sediments of two separate oxygen-depleted, sulfidic environments. We identify their epibionts as closely related sulfur or sulfide-oxidizing members of the epsilon proteobacteria. The epsilon proteobacteria generally have a significant role in deep-sea habitats as primary colonizers, primary producers and/or in symbiotic associations. The epibionts likely fulfill a role in detoxifying the immediate surrounding environment for these two different hosts. The nearly identical rod-shaped epibionts on these two symbiontid hosts provides evidence for a co-evolutionary history between these two sets of partners. This hypothesis is supported by congruent tree topologies inferred from 18S and 16S rDNA from the hosts and bacterial epibionts, respectively. The eukaryotic hosts likely serve as a motile substrate that delivers the epibionts to the ideal locations with respect to the oxic/anoxic interface, whereby their growth rates can be maximized, perhaps also allowing the host to cultivate a food source. Because symbiontid isolates and additional small subunit rDNA gene sequences from this clade have now been recovered from many locations worldwide, the Symbiontida are likely more widespread and diverse than presently known.

Recent Publications On Meiofauna

The ISME Journal , (13 May 2010)

Meiofauna reduces bacterial mineralization of naphthalene in marine sediment

Johan Näslund, Francisco JA Nascimento and Jonas S Gunnarsson

The role of sediment-living meiofauna, benthic invertebrates smaller than 1000 μm such as nematodes and ostracods, on the mineralization of naphthalene, a common polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) in marine sediments, was studied in microcosms using radiorespirometry. A method to extract live meiofauna was developed and used in order to experimentally manipulate meiofauna abundance and group diversity. Higher abundances of meiofauna were found to significantly decrease naphthalene mineralization. Furthermore, a change in the bacterial community composition (studied using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism) was also observed in presence of higher meiofauna abundance, as well as a lower number of cultivable naphthalene-degrading bacteria. The reduced mineralization of naphthalene and the altered bacterial community composition in the presence of increased meiofauna abundance is likely the result of top-down control by meiofauna. This study shows that higher abundances of meiofauna can significantly decrease the microbial mineralization of PAHs such as naphthalene and also significantly modify the bacterial community composition in natural marine sediments.