Saturday, August 18, 2012

Workshop: Taxonomy and Diversity of Marine Meiofauna – Brazil

The term meiofauna refers to the benthic organisms retained at a 0.063mm mesh and passing through a 0.5mm mesh. This benthic component comprises at least 25 phyla of the animal kingdom and may reach densities above 106 individuals per square meter. Although extremely diverse and abundant, this group of microscopic organisms has been poorly explored, specially in terms of ...

Monday, July 16, 2012

Chercheur en écologie benthique (H/F) [IFREMER: benthic ecologist]

Job profile :
Les écosystèmes marins profonds recèlent une forte diversité biologique liée à la variabilité des environnements benthiques. La biodiversité et la dynamique de ces écosystèmes à l’état naturel sont encore bien mal connues ; pourtant ils font l’objet d’un intérêt croissant pour l’exploitation des ressources naturelles qu’ils abritent. C’est pourquoi l’Unité Etudes des Ecosystèmes Profonds développe des projets de recherche destinés à acquérir des connaissances sur la biodiversité et le fonctionnement de ces écosystèmes afin de contribuer à proposer des solutions pour une exploitation responsable des ressources qu’ils abritent...

Further information

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Postdoctoral Researcher position - Sars International Centre, Bergen Norway

Postdoctoral Researcher
Correlative light and electron microscopy and neural circuit reconstruction

The Sars International Centre for Marine Molecular Biology is now offering a two-year postdoc position in a research group working on cell type and organ system evolution in invertebrates. The announced position focuses on the application of correlative and 3D electron microscopic techniques for integration of light microscopic gene expression and ultrastructural datasets. The project forms an integral part of collaborative efforts to uncover neural circuitry of evolutionary conserved cell types in the central nervous system of the emerging invertebrate model organism Platynereis dumerilii for analysis of animal nervous system evolution.
Extensive resources for Platynereis dumerilii are now established by several labs (gene knock down, transgenesis, advanced imaging tools) and genome sequencing is in process making this protostome representative a valuable model for molecular and evolutionary research.
The position involves a broad spectrum of electron microscopic methods from automated TEM and SEM imaging of serial sections, 3D image processing, axon tracing, immunogold studies and new developments in correlative light and electron microscopy for studying gene expression on the cellular level. The successful applicant will have a solid background in electron microscopy and interest in function and evolution of invertebrate nervous systems. Prior experiences in advanced 3D image processing and molecular biological techniques are advantageous.
The position is available immediately; the start date is negotiable
The salary for Postdoctoral Researcher (code 8151) starts at NOK 460 593 and will be adjusted accordingly following 2012 wage settlements.
The Sars International Centre is a partner of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) and a department of Uni Research AS, affiliated with the University of Bergen. The Centre is focused on basic research in marine molecular biology, developmental biology and evolution, through genetic and comparative studies of invertebrates and vertebrates. The Centre offers excellent molecular and imaging resources and the University EM facility has currently been upgraded with new SEM and TEM equipment for automated image acquisition. EMBL resources will be directly available for the project due to close collaboration with EMBL members.
Uni Research has employee insurance and pension agreements and is an equal opportunity employer.
For further information regarding the position and scientific content of the project please contact Dr. Harald Hausen, Group Leader:
Written applications in English, including CV, summary of educational and work experience, a brief statement of research interest and contact information for two references can be sent to: Uni Sars Centre, HR Officer, Bergen High Technology Centre, Thormøhlensgt. 55, N-5008 Bergen, Norway. Please mark applications 12 Sars 04. Application deadline is 22 June 2012.
Please note that applications sent by e-mail will not be considered.

Further information 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Two PhD scholarship in invertebrate morphology: “Evolution and development of central organ systems in marine meiofauna” : Copenhagen, Denmark

 The Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen

Two 3-year PhD positions are available at the Marine Biological Section, Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen. The positions will be jointly supervised by Katrine Worsaae, University of Copenhagen and Andreas Hejnol, Uni Sars Centre, Norway. Deadline for applications is June 11, 2012.
The scholarships will address the origin of central body designs through detailed studies of, microscopic, complex animals of the lesser-studied spiralian lineages. Hereby we seek answers to central questions such as: Was the last common spiralian ancestor relatively large and complex as annelids and mollusks? Or was it microscopic consisting of low number of cells only? How complex and regionalized is the brain of microscopic animals?
The PhD projects are expected to provide new scientific insight into the detailed structure, development, and evolution of central characters in selected spiralian meiofaunal taxa. Transcriptomes of these taxa are either in progress or will be generated during the project. The projects will combine the disciplines of advanced microscopy and immunochemistry (histology, TEM, CLSM, 3D reconstructions) with studies of gene expression patterns. Body designs and organ systems of interest could be e.g., the brain, sensory structures, seriality, cell numbers and size, dwarfism, alimentary canal. For further information on the project contact Assoc. Prof. Katrine Worsaae at Please do not post your application to this address.
Further information and application formula at

Monday, March 19, 2012

Zoologica Scripta Travel fellowship

Zoologica Scripta Travel Fellowship

To promote international collaboration among young researchers in animal taxonomy, systematics and phylogeny
Apply for the Zoologica Scripta Travel Fellowship by April 15th!

Further information here

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Benthic Ecology Meeting 2012, USA

The Benthic Ecology Meeting (BEM) is one of the largest scientific meetings for marine biologists in the USA. The 41st meeting will be hosted by Old Dominion University (ODU) and held in the Norfolk Waterside Marriott Hotel. At the 2012 BEM we anticipate more than 700 registrants; a mix of the nation's top marine ecologists and up-and-coming graduate and undergraduate students...

More information here