The Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen
Two 3-year PhD positions are available at the Marine Biological Section,
Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen. The positions will be
jointly supervised by Katrine Worsaae, University of Copenhagen and
Andreas Hejnol, Uni Sars Centre, Norway. Deadline for applications is
June 11, 2012.
The scholarships will address the origin of central body designs through
detailed studies of, microscopic, complex animals of the lesser-studied
spiralian lineages. Hereby we seek answers to central questions such
as: Was the last common spiralian ancestor relatively large and complex
as annelids and mollusks? Or was it microscopic consisting of low number
of cells only? How complex and regionalized is the brain of microscopic
The PhD projects are expected to provide new scientific insight into the
detailed structure, development, and evolution of central characters in
selected spiralian meiofaunal taxa. Transcriptomes of these taxa are
either in progress or will be generated during the project. The projects
will combine the disciplines of advanced microscopy and immunochemistry
(histology, TEM, CLSM,
3D reconstructions) with studies of gene expression patterns. Body
designs and organ systems of interest could be e.g., the brain, sensory
structures, seriality, cell numbers and size, dwarfism, alimentary
canal. For further information on the project contact Assoc. Prof.
Katrine Worsaae at Please do not post your application to this address.
Further information and application formula at