Wednesday, April 21, 2010

International Polychaete Conference (Lecce-Italy, from June 20th to 26th, 2010)

( The International Polychaete Conference (IPC) is a congress organized every 3 years by the International Polychaetological Association (IPA) to allow the exchanges of experiences among people working on different biological and ecological aspects, focused on polychaetes.
From the first edition at Sydney (Australia) in 1983, to the last one at Portland (Maine, USA) organized by James Blake e Kevin Eckelbarger, polychaete research is changed, following the main trends characterizing the modern biology, also with the affirmation of new disciplines such as the EVO-DEVO, and with the contribution to the evolution of others such as marine biology, ecology and physiology.
During the last edition we decided to candidate Italy to host the 2010 Conference.  And we wish to thank all the collegues which have chosen our country. Therefore the 10th IPC will be in Lecce from June 20th – 26th 2010.
The organizer committee is formed by Adriana Giangrande, University of Salento, DiSTeBA, Lecce, Maria Cristina Gambi, Stazione Zoologica “Anton Dohrn” of Naples Margherita Licciano, Luigi Musco, Cataldo Pierri, Roberto Schirosi (University of Salento, DiSTeBA, Lecce), Loredana Stabili (CNR, IAMC, Taranto), Luisa Nicoletti (ISPRA, Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale, Rome).
The guide-line of the Conference will be: “Polychaetes as Biological and Ecological Models: from taxonomy to applied research”, which was the theme of a successful international polychaete course organized in 2002 at the University of Salento. The proceedings of the conference will be published in The Italian Journal of Zoology, a well-known international journal, published by Taylor and Francis on behalf of the Italian Society of Zoologists (Unione Zoologica Italiana)
We hope that this appointment can represent an occasion to encourage research in our country and will be a growing opportunity of the entire scientific community.

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